Sunday, November 22, 2020

Three Friends of Thomas

In keeping with many railways around the UK, especially those Heritage lines, we felt that we should invite Thomas and a few of his friends to visit our railway.

Well, sadly, Thomas was unavailable as he is having to self-isolate at the moment but he did send along three of his friends - Percy, Stepney and Dart.

In the photo, above, we see Percy, the 0-4-0ST Saddle Tank locomotive, Nº 6, in the Service Depot. Clearly the long journey from Sodor took its toll and he needed some attention upon arrival..

Here now is Stepney, the tiny 0-6-0 Terrier locomotive. He is seen at one of our stations with a colourful wagon in tow. During his brief visit he became great friends with our own 0-6-0 Terrier 'Brighton Works'.

This is Dart, the third loco to visit us, and she is an 0-4-0DS diesel shunter, which can normally be seen at the Vicarstown Dieselworks. Here, though, she is seen at Gunnmere with three attractive circus vans and, apparently, she was very pleased to have been able to spend some time away from the other smelly diesels..

Finally, all three locos pose for the camera prior to returning to Sodor and they said they would love to come back again one day - and, this time, bring Thomas with them.

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