Thursday, February 9, 2012

Snow Fun!

More work took place on the Diesel Depot at the weekend although, because the inclement weather meant that some of us decided not too venture out, I found myself working alone in the Shed this week - it was nice and quiet though!
The first job was to solder wires from the Bus to the re-aligned track that now passes through the Washer Plant. I then pinned this length of track down to the board and painted the sleepers dark brown.
This done, I then stuck the Depot Crane into position and laid some more scatter.
The final job of the afternoon, before venturing out into the grey and snowy winter's evening, was to finish tacking the plywood wall that now surrounds the depot prior to covering it with Metcalfe Brick Wall sheets in order to make it look like a wall and match, more or less, the wall of the Fuel Storage Tanks.
Snow is very pretty and can be fun too - if you don't have to drive in it!
Still, spring surely cannot be too far away now and, in the more immediate future, I am hoping that the wintry weather will not prevent things from getting back to normal down the shed this weekend.

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